Pool pump wiring is an area of expertise of our skilled and experienced technicians.
A swimming pool relies on several key components to keep the water flowing and clean. One of these components is the pool pump, which is the heart of the circulation system within the swimming pool. It operates by pulling water from the pool through a main drain and skimmer, where it is moved through a filter. This process helps to remove certain contaminants and debris from the water, as well as keep the water moving to help it stay fresh. A pool pump is made of three main parts, which are the impeller, the motor, and the trap. The impeller connects to the shaft at the end of the motor, turning around to move the water and push it through the trap and out of the pump. The motor is what allows the pump to operate and is sealed off to prevent water damage. The trap catches lint, hair, and other debris to maintain a cleaner swimming pool.
If you’re having issues with your pool pump or you’d like to replace your pump, contact us at Maguire Electric. Pool pump wiring is an area of expertise of our skilled and experienced technicians. We have worked with many clients in and around Wilmington, North Carolina to install new and replacement pumps.
When handling a pool pump wiring job, we begin by assessing the pool and determining the necessary pump size. We want to be sure that your new pump will be able to operate efficiently and pump plenty of clean water through the pool. Additionally, we’ll take all necessary safety precautions when installing wiring and electrical components near and within the water. We want to make sure that your pool offers a safe environment for swimming. Contact us today to learn more about our pool pump wiring services.
At Maguire Electric, we offer pool pump wiring services to those in Wilmington, Kings Grant, Myrtle Grove, Bayshore, and Carolina Beach, North Carolina.